The Manara Minute District Newsletter Issue 3, Photo of all graduating seniors on a white wall under the numbers "2022", three senior photos along with brief interviews, graduation time and place announcement, congratulations photo detailing sum of scholarships awarded to seniors

As the school year winds down to a close and many of you are beginning to plan for summer activities and travel abroad, we wanted to take special notice of our wonderful Senior class of 2022. 

I spent some time this week speaking with a few Seniors and hearing about their Manara experience, their plans after graduation, and who has been most influential to them in their journey at Manara. I hope you'll take a moment to read their answers in the attached issue of the Manara Minute, and join us to celebrate them this Friday, May 20, 2022 at 6:00pm at the Embassy Suites (2401 Bass Pro Dr. in Irving, TX) for their graduation ceremony!

We are so proud of our Seniors, and of ALL our Manara scholars who have worked so diligently this year.