Manara's Arlington STEM Academy recently held a STEM and Literacy night, welcoming students and their families to participate in a variety of events focused on the core concepts of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Everyone had so much fun learning, working together, and forming community connections! Thank you to our STEM staff who worked so hard to put this wonderful event together.
almost 3 years ago, Hallie Bing Powell (They/She)
Students and parents enjoy STEM projects with staff.
Students and parents enjoy STEM projects with staff.
Students and parents enjoy STEM projects with staff.
Students and parents enjoy STEM projects with staff.
Look at all the fun that was had when our Arlington STEM students visited the Perot museum in Dallas for a field study! We love being able to provide these opportunities for our scholars to keep them excited about learning.
almost 3 years ago, Hallie Bing Powell (They/She)
A large group of students and teachers posing for a photo outside of the Perot museum in Dallas, TX
Two smiling students in a rock tunnel
Group of students beneath a large dinosaur skeleton
Museum display of robotics and motorized cars
Manara's Arlington STEM Academy PTO volunteers go above and beyond to show their appreciation for our teaching staff, but they also make sure our students know how special they are! Each month, they gather nominations for student and teacher of the month. At the end of the term, they took nominations for students and teacher of the YEAR. Congratulations to our AMAZING Ms. Mehrabi (Ms. M) for being awarded Teacher of the Year, to Zion M. in 1st grade and Izabella P. in 3rd grade for earning Students of the Year, and a big thank you to our PTO for taking time each month to recognize these staff members and scholars for the stars that they are.
almost 3 years ago, Hallie Bing Powell (They/She)
Three photos: First of a class of students smiling around their hijabi teacher. Second, a young Black boy smiling and holding a certificate for student of the year. Third, a young white girl with long dark hair and a face mask holding her certificate for student of the year.
Three photos: First of a class of students smiling around their hijabi teacher. Second, a young Black boy smiling and holding a certificate for student of the year. Third, a young white girl with long dark hair and a face mask holding her certificate for student of the year.
Three photos: First of a class of students smiling around their hijabi teacher. Second, a young Black boy smiling and holding a certificate for student of the year. Third, a young white girl with long dark hair and a face mask holding her certificate for student of the year.
Dr. Taylor of Manara STEM Academy incentivizes students by making a deal. Raise your STAAR Interim assessment scores from your last attempt and you can "Pie the Principal"!
almost 3 years ago, Denise Sudan, Superintendent
Principal pie in the face
principal pie in the face
student and principal face pie
A child who reads will become an adult that seeks to know more. Manara’s Math and Literacy Night was a wonderful event for parents and children. Join us for more learning and family events.
almost 3 years ago, Denise Sudan, Superintendent
children musical chairs
boy reading book
parents and teachers
Join us for Literacy Night. Irving Campus 6:00-8:00 PM We can’t wait to celebrate the love of literacy with you!
almost 3 years ago, Denise Sudan, Superintendent
Literacy Games
Cultural Artifacts
Behind you…all your memories, Before you…all your dreams, Around you…all who care for you, Within you…all you need. Manara-The place where lasting friendships are made!
almost 3 years ago, Denise Sudan, Superintendent
two boys talking
To enroll for the 2022-2023 school year is a two step process. Part 1: Complete a New Application or Intent to Return (Lottery) and Part 2: Complete your digital Register Forms-Registration. An email with snap code to begin registration has been sent. Registration is due 4/15.
almost 3 years ago, Denise Sudan, Superintendent
Student Registration
Kitchen lithography with 9th graders! A modern, more accessible take on an old form of printmaking. Very sticky and messy … but engaged students is what’s important! Ms. Tran - H.S. Art teacher
about 3 years ago, Manara Academy
Student activity
Weather and Climate change project in foreign language class. Work in progress… By 9th Graders Mrs. MacFarland - Arabic Teacher
about 3 years ago, Manara Academy
student activity
Let's learn about something extraordinary together.
about 3 years ago, Manara Academy